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长筒 AV 名字的由来

发表于 2021-7-23 14:56 | |阅读模式 来自: 中国北京
本帖最后由 lisaisacat 于 2021-7-23 14:58 编辑

春天从论坛转让区收了十种长筒的虫子,目前长势良好,其中有个品种叫做 AV,是垂吊品种,也是最早(6 月初)开花的。

品种名称:Ambroise Verschaffelt

不像其它的什么柠檬园(Lemon Garden)、黑衣女子(Lady in Black)之类的,但是我觉得这名字肯定有意义呀,就百度了下。
只搜到一个网页说比利时有个植物从业者参与过丽格海棠的培育。由于中文资料较少,基本查不到和 AV 相关的其他信息了。

又去 Bing 了下,加上关键词 Belgium,这回搜到了一篇很有用的文章。
Ambroise Alexandre Verschaffelt Colette ( born December 11, 1825 Ghent, † May 16, 1886 ) was a Belgian gardener. The horticultural main field of his family were the camellias. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " procure for. ".

Ambroise Verschaffelt led from 1850 onwards, which was founded by his grandfather Pierre Antoine and his father Jacques Alexandre continuing large nursery in the Rue du Chaume in Ghent, which he sold in 1869 to Jean Linden, of Brussels. Verschaffelt founded in 1854 the influential Horticulture magazine L' Illustration Horticole in Ghent. He introduced many new camellia species and varieties in the bargain. The family was Verschaffelt 1848-1860 out the Nouvelle Iconographie of Camellias, which continued with its numerous illustrations Lorenzo Berlèses book you Iconographie genre Camellia.

Verschaffelt died in his house in the Chaussee de Courtrai No. 98 He suffered probably due to tongue cancer.

Verschaffelt was honored with the Order of Leopold, the ' Croix- Civique ' and the Order of St. Maurice and Lazare, the Legion of Honour, that coming from Schleswig -Holstein St. Anne Order of Russia, Medijie, an Order of Friedrich of Württemberg, of the Order of the Zähringerplatz lion, an Order of Adolph of Nassau, the Grand Duke of Hesse and the Duke of Nassau and Oldenburg. Hermann Wendland named in his honor the palm genus Verschaffeltia. He was honored with the naming of plant species and varieties, including the widespread of swash plate ' Ambroise Verschaffelt ' and - the custom of the time following - with the named honor of his wife Camellia ' Madame Ambroise Verschaffelt '.

Lucien Linden, émile Rodigas: Nécrologie. In: L' Illustration horticole. Journal of spéciual serres et des jardins / 4 Série, Volume 33 (1886 ), pp. 76, (online).
Thomas Meehan (ed.): The Gardener 's Monthly And Horticulturist. Volume 28 (1886 ), No. 331, pp. 219-220, (online).

当时(19 世纪)很流行发现引进新物种,这位大神还热衷于出版植物版画。
得了很多勋章,后人还把一些植物以他的名字命名了,其中就包括上面的长筒花 Av,还有一款山茶花是以他夫人的名字命名的,就叫“Ambroise Verschaffelt 夫人”。



Illustration Horticole was published in Ghent, Belgium starting in 1854. It was a collaborative effort of the great plant specialists, hybridizers and hunters of the day including Charles Lemaire, a prominent botanist & professor, Ambroise Verschaffelt of the Nursery Verschaffelt family & Jean Linden, the renowned orchid hunter and editor of Les Orchidees.

It was an exciting time in Europe, when the race to discover new plants and bring new cultivars to a never satiated public was in full swing. These prominent botanists collaborated on many of the seminal works of the day including Verschaffelt’s Nouvelle Iconographie des Camellias. The lavishly illustrated plates, hand colored or finished lithographs contain a wonderful selection of plants following the interests of the famous contributors of the era - orchids, camellias, roses, palms, rhododendrons, & azaleas & exotic plants among many others. References: Nissen BBI 2254. (21), Great Flower Books 1990 p.159. The color plates are very bright & the condition generally excellent.

插图于1854 年在比利时根特出版。作者包括很多大神:植物学家、植物杂交学者、植物猎人、苗圃家族继承者(AV)。

这个叫 panteek 的网站有好多植物插画可以看,就是感觉和实物对上号还需要一定的联想能力,人工上色还是比不上大自然的神奇。


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发表于 2021-7-23 15:09 | 来自: 中国上海
用心了 我都没有研究过这名字的区别,长且毫无意义
发表于 2021-7-23 15:11 | 来自: 中国
发表于 2021-7-23 15:11 | 来自: 中国江苏苏州
发表于 2021-7-23 15:21 | 来自: 中国
发表于 2021-7-23 15:25 | 来自: 中国
花友好有心啊 有时候看到这些字母简写也不免好奇它们名字的由来
发表于 2021-7-23 15:41 | 来自: 美国
 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-23 15:50 | 来自: 中国北京
beyond891129 发表于 2021-7-23 15:09
用心了 我都没有研究过这名字的区别,长且毫无意义

哈哈哈 我是被 AV 这个名字勾起的好奇心,因为每次发朋友圈都感觉自带黄色,我就想知道她到底叫啥
 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-23 15:51 | 来自: 中国北京
雨中的蔷薇 发表于 2021-7-23 15:11

 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-23 15:53 | 来自: 中国北京
肉肉的新手 发表于 2021-7-23 15:25
花友好有心啊 有时候看到这些字母简写也不免好奇它们名字的由来


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