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发表于 2006-10-17 17:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国广东湛江
<img src="attachments/dvbbs/2006-10/2006101717191044521.jpg" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor=\'hand\'; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(\'attachments/dvbbs/2006-10/2006101717191044521.jpg\');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-17 17:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东湛江
2<img src="attachments/dvbbs/2006-10/2006101717214552757.jpg" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor=\'hand\'; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(\'attachments/dvbbs/2006-10/2006101717214552757.jpg\');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-17 17:21:51编辑过]

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-17 17:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东湛江
3<img src="attachments/dvbbs/2006-10/2006101717225654416.jpg" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor=\'hand\'; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(\'attachments/dvbbs/2006-10/2006101717225654416.jpg\');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-17 17:23:13编辑过]

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-17 21:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国湖北武汉
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-18 08:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东淄博
2 要是选择个深色背景就更好了。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-18 09:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东湛江
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-18 10:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国福建福州
<>其实 除第一张外后面的都没对上焦 如果焦点是藤蔓的话</P>
<>景深控制欠妥 应考虑物距适当缩小光圈保证藤蔓在景深范围内</P>
<>至于光斑 那可是美丽的象征</P>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-10-18 12:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
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